日曜日, 8月 10, 2014



しかし、ドイツはFedの 支配を破る用意があり、もしもこれが実現すると、フランスとほとんどのヨーロッパ諸国もドイツに従うでしょう。変化は既に高いレベルで起きていて、オラン ダの女王、ベルギー国王、スペイン国王、ドイツ人の法王であるマレディクトが退位しました。これらの諸国では新しい政権下での明らかな改革の印が見られま す。例えば、ユーロは今ではFedのボイコットの呼びかけにも関わらず、ロシアに対するガスの対価として用いられています。


毛沢東が言った ように、”全ての行いは平原の野火の始まり、”なのです。この野火の残りは未だに見られますが、米国の人々にとっての最善の希望は米国軍隊の中クラスの将 官が腐敗した将軍たちを追放し、ニューヨークの911攻撃に関わった者たち全ての大量逮捕を始める事です。最高司令官のような最高レベルの者でも、反逆者 を階層から外す見通しがあり、これは軍法の範疇内で可能です。




However, it looks like Germany is ready to break ranks with the Feds and if it does, France and most of Europe will follow. Change has already happened at a high level to the extent that the Queen of the Netherlands, the Kings of Belgium and Spain and the German Pope Maledict have resigned. There are clear signs of reform taking place in these countries under the new regimes. For example, Euros are now being used to pay for Russian gas despite a US Fed calls for a boycott.

In addition, the Pentagon has turned against the Feds at least to the extent that they passively resist attempts to con them into wars in places like Syria, Iran and East Asia. The people of the United States are also on the verge of revolution against the Fed families and their Babylonian slave driver network based on secret societies and religious cults.

As Chairman Mao said, “all it takes is a spark to start a prairie fire.” What that spark will be remains to be seen but, the best hope for the people of the United States is that the middle ranks of the US military remove corrupt generals and then start mass arrests of everybody involved in the 9/11 attack on New York. This can be done within the framework of military law because there are provisions for removing traitors from the ranks, even at the highest level such as supreme commander.

The other thing the military must do is nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing government money to replace Fed debt slavery notes. This is mandated in the constitution of the Republic of the United States of America. Failing to do this is treason.

このほか に軍部はFRBの国有化を行い、政府の通貨をFedの負債奴隷化通貨に置き換えなければなりません。これはアメリカ共和国の憲法 の範囲内で布告されます。(たきさん訳)

If the military does not move, there will be civil war in the United States with militias fighting against militarized police forces working for the Fed Cabal. It is just a matter of time.

Stephen: Not sure I personally agree  with Ben’s last sentence above, but the rest feels pretty solid.

And here’s an edited excerpt of what David Wilcock (Divine Cosmos) had to say about Ben’s post above:

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