土曜日, 7月 06, 2013

光の銀河連合からのメッセージ・・・繁栄資金  2012年9月21日


Nestled in your far and remote corner of this, your Milky Way galaxy, is your tiny blue planet that sits perched on gentle whispers of cloud formation giving rise to the charming name Milky Way. We have been here for a very long time and so have you, our dear brothers and sisters. We all have come here for a very special purpose, for a very important reason, and that reason is to ‘bury the hatchet’ and make up for lost time, as throughout the ages and throughout the eons many of your world today did not get along what can be considered well. What we consider well anyway. There was occasion when there have been outbreaks of war in this, your 3rd dimensional universe.
We wish to make it clear that there has been no war in your 5th dimensional universe, this is true. We wish to make that stipulation very clear for those of you who feel that war is a construct of higher dimensional life, for it is not in any way, shape or form. War is not the answer, for any and all 5th dimensional or higher beings have figured this out a long time ago. This was one of the pieces of the puzzle that needed to be fit together before a being can ascend from the lower dimensions such as your 3rd dimension to a higher dimension such as your 5th dimension.

We will not ever share with you whose side anyone was on throughout these conflicts, no. Why will we not do this? Well, we say to you part of your curriculum here, which means part of what you are supposed to be learning here, is to get along with each other no matter what your prior histories are. 

If you knew that someone that you are working with online was at one time what you may consider an enemy, we say this may affect your relationship in one of a number of ways and we do not wish to influence your working partnership with this other individual in any way. It is all up to you all to simply get along together, to learn how to work together and even play or socialize together. This is your task at this time. We see many of you getting along very, very well and this is quite heartwarming and inspiring. We say, keep up the great work, for you are mending wounds that have been inflicted sometimes eons ago that have festered and that have not been able to heal and there are scars that have separated many races, many worlds and even many galaxies throughout this, your 3rd dimensional universe.

We see many of you getting along very, very well and this is quite heartwarming and inspiring. We say, keep up the great work, for you are mending wounds that have been inflicted sometimes eons ago that have festered and that have not been able to heal and there are scars that have separated many races, many worlds and even many galaxies throughout this, your 3rd dimensional universe.

We say your work here together is bringing this universe together. What do you think about that? Do you think that your assignments here are an important one? Would you say that your task at this time is far more important than any of your personal choices, which includes your persistence to continue your illicit use of mind altering substances and also your persistence to flaunt your opinions of others and yourself while forsaking the feelings and the rights of another? We do say that because your work here is so vital to this entire universe that you can find a way to forget for now, to overlook for now, to release for now your need for certain of these lower dimensional self gratifications. We say to you that you certainly can release these. We know you can, and that is why you were selected to be here among representatives from all of these worlds that we have discussed throughout this entire universe, which includes certain galaxies that are so very distant from each other and from here that they do not speak to each other very often. They do not deal with each other in any way. They do not share with each other and they do not assist each other in times of need. This is a real shame, for this universe has been designed in such a way where we all need to assist each other.
Yes, there is another other secret that we are going to share with you. Many of you may feel that there are worlds, star systems and galaxies that are what you would know as self-contained, meaning that they can depend just on themselves. They do not need to rely on a working cooperation, trade or alliance with anyone else. This would be a fallacy. This would be a severe misunderstanding of the mechanics, the design and the function of this 3rd dimensional universe. 


Here in this universe all planets, all star systems, all galaxies, everyone and everything in this entire universe depend on all the others in this universe. There is one of the secrets of this universe. This took incredibly intelligent beings millions of years to figure out. This was one of the greatest discoveries of all time in this universe. 

What do you think about that? Do you think that this was an important discovery? Do you think that day that these beings finally realized this that that was a turning point, a milestone, a landmark conclusion? We say to you it was, and that moment when these beings figured this out is memorialized, it is celebrated throughout this universe. It is commemorated by so many different worlds and beings throughout this entire universe. We will say this is our 4th of July, our Memorial Day, our Thanksgiving or Christmas, yes. This is our holiday and we celebrate this holiday by, well, you guessed it, all gathering together on planets that have been created simply to be meeting places, gathering places for all these different worlds, and guess which planet was made just for this special occasion? You are right again when you say your planet Earth was made just for this. Yes.

Now you have yet another big secret revealed to you. Your planet Earth was designed as a great memorial to commemorate the discovery that all of the different worlds, and there are billions and billions of them throughout this universe, all need to work together to survive, to prosper, to allow themselves to be homes fit for kings and queens, for all beings throughout this universe are considered royalty. That's right. There are no different classes throughout this universe or any of the higher realms, not at all. There is no what you would term a hierarchy, although there are ranks within our alliances, for this is a necessity as it is important to have some kind of structure, some kind of order, some kind of chain of command or it would be pretty hectic and chaotic, would it not? We are sure you can understand this, and this is why we have commanders and many different ranking officers and personnel. We just wish you to know this, that we do not structure our alliances as you may your military outfits, but we do have a chain of command as this is, and was seen as, very necessary.




という箇所である。 実は先日、以前にも引用した、『誰も語りたがらないタブーの真実』(中丸薫•三神たける共著)を読み返していたら、



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