木曜日, 1月 29, 2015




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火曜日, 1月 27, 2015

Government announces reduction in the price of a barrel of oil to $ 55 ...

Government announces reduction in the price of a barrel of oil to $ 55 budget to make it closer to the reality of global markets

Tuesday January 27, 2015 - 15:38
The spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office tributary Jabouri, on Tuesday, the cabinet decided to reduce the price of a barrel of oil in the estimates of the budget law to $ 55 instead of $ 60, while noting that such a reduction is necessary to make it closer to the reality of global markets.
Jabouri said in a statement briefed Radio tow a copy of it, if the price of a barrel of oil in the estimates of the budget law has been reduced to $ 55 instead of $ 60.
He Jabouri, that such a reduction is necessary to make Iraqi oil prices closer to the reality of global markets and facilitate passing the budget law.

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宮崎正弘『中国崩壊で日本はこうなる』(大竹慎一氏との対談 1512円。徳間書店)

─…─↓ メルマ!PR ↓─…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─

…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─↑ メルマ!PR ↑─…

本日 発売!
宮崎正弘『中国崩壊で日本はこうなる』(大竹慎一氏との対談 1512円。徳間書店)
 (アマゾン ↓) 

 ウォール街で活躍する日本人ファンドマネジャーの大竹慎一 vs 宮崎正弘

 株は4000円に暴落する(大竹) vs 二万円に急騰の可能性が高い(宮崎)




宮崎正弘 vs 大竹慎一『中国崩壊で日本はこうなる』( 1512円。徳間書店)
大好評発売中 !
宮崎正弘『中国大破綻 ついに失われる20年に突入する』(PHP研究所)

 中国経済がクラッシュするのは時間の問題ですが、従来型の恐慌ではなく、どのような金融災禍が、どの市場に待ち受けているのか? 米国債を世界最大に保有する中国が、手元資金をうめるために、この債権を市場で売却したら、いったい、何が起きるか?
 日本はどの程度の被害を受けるか? 中国とビジネスのつながりが深い日本企業は?
   △ △○ ○ ◇◇□
宮崎正弘の新刊案内  http://miyazaki.xii.jp/saisinkan/index.html
宮崎正弘の新刊 大好評発売中!
(アマゾン ↑ 送料無料)
(↓ アマゾン 在庫僅少)

『中国・韓国を“本気で”見捨て始めた世界』(徳間書店 1080円)
 『台湾烈々  世界一の親日国家がヤバイ』(ビジネス社、1188円)
『中国 大嘘つき国家の犯罪』(文芸社文庫、713円)

宮崎正弘 v 室谷克実 『仲良く自滅する中国と韓国』(徳間書店)
宮崎正弘 v 川口マーン惠美 『なぜ中国人とドイツ人は馬が合うのか?』(ワック)
宮崎正弘 v 石平 『2015年 中国の真実―中国は習近平に潰される』(ワック)
宮?正弘 v 西部遇 『日米安保五十年』(海龍社)
宮崎正弘 v 佐藤優 『猛毒国家に囲まれた日本』(海竜社)
    ◎◎◎ ◎◎◇ ◇◎◎
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~宮崎正弘のホームページ http://miyazaki.xii.jp/
(C)有限会社宮崎正弘事務所 2015 ◎転送自由。転載の場合、出典を明示

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┗ http://melma.com/contents/taikai/ 

水曜日, 1月 21, 2015

Among their initial duties are to be a full worldwide disclosure, which is to put an end to the present UFO cover up.

7 Ahau, 18 Chen, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We come with wonderful information! The payments continue to move forward and our Earth allies are now deciding upon new preliminary schedules. These payments are tied to a number of other projects that relate to returning you to a gold standard and to a global currency reset. These programs are also part of a financial readjustment that is to produce a new global financial system. This new system is to replace those agreements first manifested at Dumbarton Oaks in the U.S. This system ends the reign of the Federal Reserve’s notes and its worldwide fiscal policies. You are entering a new world in which a more general equality is to exist between the now poorer nations and the richer ones in Europe, America, Australia and Japan. There is also the matter of new governance. These new governmental institutions are to “roll out” very soon. Among their initial duties are to be a full worldwide disclosure, which is to put an end to the present UFO cover up. It is this last item, which we, of course, are looking forward to. Our Earth allies are working on a number of interconnected fronts to bring all of this to fruition.

   All of you need to realize that a long process of massive change is close to happening. This grand effort was initially started over 200 years ago with the financing of the young American Republic by elements of the Chinese imperial government. This grant was greatly encouraged by the Ascended Master, Quan Yin. It was the work of Ascended Master, Count Saint Germain, that created the independence document of America in the first place. America’s travails have been followed closely by us ever since. It was our intervention that helped America to weather the American civil war relatively intact. During this time the parties closely allied to the illuminoids began to complete a scenario that had begun so seemingly innocently with the founding of the pilgrim society in 1820. We watched as these dark elements used their power and influence to create an oligarchy that has controlled America since the untimely assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. This class of powerful oligarchs is now coming to its most wished for demise.

   The new world, which is now taking place before your eyes, is truly the result of a global peaceful revolution. This revolution is, in part, something, which we have helped foster and fully support. Numerous organizations, over the past decade and a half, have worked tirelessly to bring this forward. We are proud of these organizations, and especially those individuals who have used their own resources to fund and explain how various strategies can bring them the desired results. Our part was to limit how the various interconnected oligarchs were able to either crush or to murder these various individuals. Our emissaries as well began a continuing mission to present edicts to a number of major cabal-controlled regimes. This quite limited intervention was kept up despite the initial obstructions given to our emissaries. We have limited some of the dire possibilities, which these dark regimes previously used to bully our earthly associates. Those policies rendered ineffective included attempts at war and the use of a number of state-sponsored acts of “terrorism.”

   You are now on the verge of a series of wonderful actions. These actions are just the beginning of installing a new financial system, which is to lead you to new governance. Remember how you need to act. Be calm, and accept the fact that those who wished deeply to harm you are to be legally set aside. You have the responsibility to use this formerly hidden technology to clean up Gaia’s air, water and ground. Use the new energy technology to stop any operations that take out Gaia’s oil, coal and other similar resources. Once we arrive, you are to possess various energy converters. These converters can reproduce high nutrient food, clothes and other items, which you need during your daily lives. Your first responsibility is to restore the “balance of nature.” Once you have started on this vital project, know that its conclusion is to be done as a joint project between our mentors and yourselves. Be aware of your new responsibilities and constantly participate in determining the actions of your new governance. It is your apathy in past times that permitted the dark oligarchy to wrest away your power.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Over the past few months we described what our most blessed associates were doing to alter this reality. These changes are now reaching a point where they are to start to affect you. We are extremely joyous that these events are finally to see the light of day. The coming times are to permit you to move from a state of grand visioning to one of actually being able to see how your realm is truly changing. Eons ago, Archangel Michael blessed this land with a great prophecy. This prophecy predicted the darkness and the grand predicaments that you had to pass through. This prophecy as well stated that a time of a greater Light was to come and transform this galaxy. We are in these glorious end times. The Light has shone upon the land and is readying us all for a grand triumph. In these times, we are to be allowed to speak many great truths to you. You are as well to be returned to a natural state of full consciousness!

   We come this time to acknowledge these truths and to show you what is getting ready to happen. The dark has usurped the governments of mankind. It has permitted you to fall into death and old age. It has produced wars and ways of grand division. These times are at an end. Soon, a fleet of great heavenly ships is to descend, with your ancestors and kin. Greet them and know in your hearts that a time for a grand reunion of Heaven and Earth has arrived. In these most unique times, you are to rediscover what your former masters, the Anunnaki, lied to you about. Their former powers are to go away, and you are to regain those things, which you lost long ago in the hidden places of old Atlantis. You are to see the remnants left of Lemuria, and to see how this land was formerly divided between the Light and the dark. You are to create with us a glorious new epoch, a place filled with memories and truths.

   Take this time, O blessed Ones, to review this age and how the coming events are greatly to alter it. This world is swiftly to become a star nation filled with wonders of Heaven and great joys, which are to forge your new reality. Each one of us comes from a long journey that leads us to grand truths and immortality. Our purpose is to serve; to gently guide you down these glorious paths to your wondrous fate. We do this in joy. You are finishing the last series of adjustments mandated by Heaven. These things have prepared you for your coming meetings with us and with your mentors. What is left is simply the time to go within. Learn in your meditations about yourself and those who in Spirit guide you. This is a great moment when the Light of Heaven and the blessings of your outer guides are ready to happen. Be in peace, and get ready for the wonders of prosperity to reach this special time!

   Today, we continued our weekly message. We rejoice that the time for our meeting draws ever closer. There is a special agenda set forth by Heaven, which is now to manifest before you. Be open and prepared to accept what this is truly to mean. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

宮崎正弘『中国大破綻 ついに失われる20年に突入する』(PHP研究所。1404円)

─…─↓ メルマ!PR ↓─…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─

…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─↑ メルマ!PR ↑─…


宮崎正弘『中国大破綻 ついに失われる20年に突入する』(PHP研究所。1404円)


 日本はどの程度の被害を受けるか? 中国とビジネスのつながりが深い日本企業は?


宮崎正弘『中国大破綻 ついに失われる20年に突入する』(PHP研究所。1404円)
(上記アマゾン) 都内主要書店、本日発売!
宮崎正弘の新刊案内  http://miyazaki.xii.jp/saisinkan/index.html
宮崎正弘の新刊 大好評発売中!
(アマゾン ↑ 送料無料)
(↓ アマゾン 在庫僅少)

『中国・韓国を“本気で”見捨て始めた世界』(徳間書店 1080円)
 『台湾烈々  世界一の親日国家がヤバイ』(ビジネス社、1188円)
『中国 大嘘つき国家の犯罪』(文芸社文庫、713円)

宮崎正弘 v 室谷克実 『仲良く自滅する中国と韓国』(徳間書店)
宮崎正弘 v 川口マーン惠美 『なぜ中国人とドイツ人は馬が合うのか?』(ワック)
宮崎正弘 v 石平 『2015年 中国の真実―中国は習近平に潰される』(ワック)
宮?正弘 v 西部遇 『日米安保五十年』(海龍社)
宮崎正弘 v 佐藤優 『猛毒国家に囲まれた日本』(海竜社)
    ◎◎◎ ◎◎◇ ◇◎◎
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~宮崎正弘のホームページ http://miyazaki.xii.jp/
(C)有限会社宮崎正弘事務所 2015 ◎転送自由。転載の場合、出典を明示

┗ http://melma.com/score_10A0sQiqP07vjGqvP11d9qIq71105f95/ 
┗ http://melma.com/backnumber_45206/ 
┗ http://melma.com/contents/taikai/ 

火曜日, 1月 20, 2015

Ben Fulford : January 19, 2015: Financial war coming to a head, Swiss join Pentagon/UK/BRICS alliance


Ben Fulford : January 19, 2015: Financial war coming to a head, Swiss join Pentagon/UK/BRICS alliance


The radical plunge in the Euro last week against the Yen, the US dollar and especially the Swiss Franc is a clear indication the battle over control of the financial system, and the world, is coming to a climax. The Swiss move to decouple their Franc from the Euro came one week before an elite summit meeting in Davos, Switzerland is due to kick off with a keynote speech by China’s number 2 Li Keqiang. This is the first time the Chinese government has sent any one significant to Davos in 5 years. The speech will focus on China’s take on the international situation and will offer possible solutions to various international problems. This Davos meeting is being called “A New Global Context” a name clearly meant to disassociate it with the fascist New World Order. In closed room sessions, Chinese government sources say Li will be discussing
Chinese/Swiss financial integration. What this clearly indicates is that the Swiss banking world, including the central bank for central banks the BIS, have joined the BRICS/UK/Pentagon alliance.
≪2015/01/20 VOL303≫

これらの値動きについて、建前上は『 スイス中央銀行が2011年から続けて
ていた「1ユーロ=1.20スイスフラン」の上限を突然 撤廃したため… 』
とだけ報じられているが、しかし その真相はスイス、BRICS、ペンタゴン勢
などが支持する「金本位制グループ 」が仕掛けた「サバタイ派・ユーロ圏勢」
パイプラインで輸送していたヨーロッパ向けガスの供給を突然 停止したこと
ロシアは、「 ガス代金の滞納により既にガスの供給を停止しているウクライナ


This was the biggest move in a week marked by many seemingly unrelated dramatic events. Perhaps the best way to understand all the other chaotic and often bizarre incidents that took place last week is to think of it in terms of a gang war. Then we can begin to connect some, but not all, of the dots.
First, remember late last year Christine Lagarde, the French head of the IMF, issued an ultimatum to the people in Washington DC to either agree to IMF voting reform or the they would go ahead in January without them. Then in January French President Francois Hollande called for an end to US orchestrated sanctions against Russia.
Immediately after that came the fake attack against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. This was followed by a massive PR campaign and a gathering of European leaders and the heads of a few of their client states as can be seen here:

Notice that no Americans, Russians, Chinese, Indian etc. leaders showed up for this PR event. What we have instead is a gathering of Rothschild servants.
These are the people trying to cling to control of the world’s financial system by proposing using IMF issued SDRs, backed by the world’s resources, as a replacement for the US dollar aka world yuan. This faction is calling for voting reform within the IMF but, only limited reform of a sort that will still leave them firmly in charge.
In any case, after this big fake show and provocation of religious conflict, a French police chief was suicided.

Following that, suddenly the Russians cut off all gas to Europe through the Ukraine and told the Europeans they would have to get their gas via Turkey and Greece.

The Russians also told the Greeks that if they left the Euro, Russia would buy huge amounts of agricultural goods from them. These two Russian moves came just before a Greek general election is expected to vote in a political party that wants to end that nation’s debt slavery to the Euro mafia.
While this was all going on, the channel tunnel connecting England with France was shut down by smoke. Also at this time a fleet of Chinese warships happened to be docked in England.

There was also some pretty funky stuff going on last week with Pope Francis in the Philippines. Francis was photographed making a Satanic hand sign while saying he would “punch anybody who insulted his mother.”

This came shortly after the pope barely missed an accident when his airplane mysteriously overshot a runway on landing in the Philippines.
Furthermore, the pope was forced to cut off a speech intended to comfort survivors of a typhoon by an approaching typhoon!
It is worth noting that senior P2 freemason lodge official Marco Di Mauro invited this writer to a meeting with the Pope during his visit to the Philippines. However, Di Mauro mysteriously vanished before the Pope’s arrival and no meeting could be arranged. Di Mauro was in the Philippines searching for gold to back a new financial system under P2 and Vatican control. Apparently some higher power did not think this was a good idea.

Clearly both the Europeans and the P2 Freemasons are under some sort of multi-faceted attack aiming to prevent them from retaining or regaining control of the international financial system.
What about the situation in the US? Well, things are not going well for the gangsters in Washington D.C. either.
For a long time now, they have been lying through their teeth about the economic situation as it continues to deteriorate. Now, once again a January 31st payment deadline is coming up and they are struggling. As alert newsletter readers pointed out, the IRS is hinting that it may have to shut down due to a lack of funding.

Furthermore, last week gunmen fired multiple shots at US Vice President Joe Biden’s home. This came amid an ongoing staff crisis at the Secret Service.
There has also been a huge document and evidence dump going on against George Bush Sr. and his Nazi so-called Neo-con group. Bush has not been seen leaving the hospital and so many people who hid in terror from his network are now coming out of hiding.

Now the FBI and the Justice Department have said they are going to bring felony charges against former General and CIA head David Petraeus, according to multiple corporate media reports. However, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, as they are currently managed, have the moral standing needed to enforce such charges.
The Pentagon and the agency types need to bring military justice to bear on war criminals like Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld etc. in a manner that does not become a generalized witch hunt.
They also have the legal tools needed to remove corrupt politicians from Washington D.C. People like George Soros, who has been outed as one of the people spreading money to try to provoke race riots in Ferguson, also need to be jailed like the common criminals they are.
Once this is done, the Pentagon and agency white hats are duty bound to restore the Republic of the United States of America and make sure it issues government currency to replace the no longer American US dollar.
Cabal rule of the world at large can be ended soon too if a concerted push is made by the UK/BRICS/Pentagon alliance.

The Satan worshipping cabalists are now circling their wagons around war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu as seen in the big photo op in Paris.
Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was summoned to Israel to meet his slave driver Netanyahu who will be ordering Abe to continue looting the Japanese financial system for the Satanists. Netanyahu, as we have mentioned before, is the man who threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear power plants unless that country handed over its foreign exchange holdings. For that and many other reasons the push to remove Netanyahu must be continued until that beast is finally in jail where he belongs.

The same is true for the gangster family that named a country, Saudi Arabia, after itself. Insha’Allah, the descendants of Ibn Saud will be dragged from their homes and killed by their own people if they do not take arms against the Wahab Satanists.
Overall though, the battle to overthrow the cabal has reached the mopping up stage with only a few isolated hold outs to take care of.
Once that is finished, a huge campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and turn this earth into the paradise it was meant to be can begin.

土曜日, 1月 17, 2015






Arcturus based craft recorded in close proximity to International Space Station. – Tolec


Arcturus based craft recorded in close proximity to International Space Station. – Tolec
January 15, 2015

Arcturus based craft recorded in close proximity to International Space Station.
The ‘delta’ shaped space craft recorded in space as flying in somewhat close proximity to the International Space Station [regardless of when the image was released] is described in detail as the following:

a.) it is from the star system: Arcturus, the most senior member of the Andromeda Council.

b.) their craft comes from their senior representative home world: Pitolla.

c.) their craft is delta shaped; if you were to see it from a top down view as I/Tolec have – you would see a round/cone shaped/radius edge nose, a long sweeping body with two (2) upright ‘tail fins’ toward the far back of the craft, one not quite flush to the far left side & another one not quite flush on the far right side; you would also see a bold, dark stripe running from the front to the back on each side almost the full length of the craft, both left & right sides, toward the inside of each fin; you would also see their emblem [what we might call something akin to an ‘ace of spades’, see my crude drawing below] next to each tail fin.

d.) there are total of three (3) races of people from the planet Pitolla each living at a different vibratory/density rate: 5D, 10D & 12D

e.) the race of people from Pitolla who have manifested this craft are the: 

Diesliesetiplex [pronounced: Die-slie-seti-plex]; the Dieliesetiplex are: 12D people.
As 12 D beings – they are much, much closer to ‘Creation’/’Source’ – which means these beings vibrate at a very high rate & have a very unique composition of sacred geometry in their vibratory make up, and therefore it will be very easy for them to help Earth people with their transformation & evolution into becoming higher density/dimensional humans. The Dieliesetiplex will step in to help in the education process only once people from the first four (4) Andromeda Council member planets [Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol] have had some considerable physical contact visiting & educating the people of Earth [see: “Contact”].
These 12D beings, the Diesliesetiplex, will be an important part of the long term evolution & teaching process as Earth people become higher dimensional humans and begin to adjust to their new skills of telepathy, teleportation, telekenisis, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience… all higher dimensional human traits.

f.) the size these beings feel comfortable manifesting/creating, when they need to manifest/create a ‘human’ form, based on their natural energetic vibratory rate is for men: 12 feet tall & for women 10 feet tall; their skin color you would perceive as: pale white translucent, hair color as: mostly white with streaks of gold, eye color: bright sea/ocean blue.

g.) the Diesliesetiplex people are very gentle, highly evolved, highly intelligent sentient beings who manifest/create 3D organic bodies to communicate with people of 3D worlds and simply return to their original energy forms when their 3D bodies are no longer needed. Think of one of the last scenes in the 2009 major motion picture/movie “The Knowing” just before the higher ‘dimensional’ ‘ETs’ entered their crystalline craft with the 2 Earth children accompanying them to be transported another 3D earth like world. Just before departure these higher dimensional ‘ETs’ shed their temporary organic bodies & lifted the children into their craft. Same situation here: think temporary organic bodies.
h.) the formal name of their native language is: Nxataexeratae [pronounced: Zahtae-zeratae] [the “N” is silent]

In closing, their ‘mission’ was simply: to be seen;
the Andromeda Council is progressively giving permission to certain Andromeda Council members so that various sizes & shapes of ships can be witnessed by the people of Earth. It makes sense that the people of Arcturus, as ‘the’ senior most member of the Council, would be the first to be ‘seen’.

It is also another way to send a ‘message’ to the ‘Breakaway Civilization’/’Powers that Be/Were’/power mongering, manipulative, abusive – elitists – on Earth, and off planet as well -
that Earth people are truly not alone, and that assigned Andromeda Council ships will no longer to be invisible to the people of Earth. A time of great change is upon us.

This information was provided to me/Tolec in tandem by: Andromene, the Chairwoman of the Interdimensional Telepathy & Communication – Observation & Advisory Board, and the Commander of the Primary Andromeda Council biosphere.

金曜日, 1月 16, 2015

SaLuSa 16 January 2015

SaLuSa 16 January 2015
It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but we observe a new energy rising that is taking hold on Earth that is bringing co-operation and peace. After years of wars and confrontation, the new energies are awakening people to the peaceful pursuit of ways to bring about a harmonious co-existence between all people. Now when war threatens there are still those that respond in a like way, yet at the same time many, many more pursue peaceful solutions. We will certainly do what we can to influence and aid those who seek peace and a total end to war and find a peaceful solution. The voices of those who are tired of death and the waste of your Earth’s resources through aggressive behaviour, are gaining power and influence that will lead the way to peaceful co-operation and statesmanship. It will take time to persuade some people that war only benefits the few who have invested very heavily in it. However, time will bring forth many truths and reveal those who are its beneficiaries.
On the one hand you are being assailed by the actions of a small minority who are set on bringing terror to you, whilst those who champion the cause of peace are working very hard to bring it about. There is of course karma involved in all of these issues and it makes it difficult for you to comprehend exagctly what is taking place. Our presence will ensure that matters do not get out of hand but as you must have realised for some time now, the old energies have to be “removed” in one way or another. As you must also know by now, fear is your greatest enemy and aids those who are known as the dark Ones. They thrive on creating fear and without it they would lose their power to block the Light. Their time is nearly up which is why we frequently remind you of the need to keep your vibrations as high as possible, and deny them every opportunity to fuel their needs.
Changes are all around you and not least of all those that relate to Mother Earth. She is preparing for a great upliftment in her vibrations, and wide ranging changes that are already become apparent to those who study such subjects. Do not fear the outcome as unlike previous Ages when great floods, fire or catastrophes have occurred at the end times, as you are to experience a peaceful move into the New Age. It has been the intention of the Spiritual Hierarchy to ensure that you complete the old Age with success, and it has been largely down to your resilience and firm intent to come through this period with your heads held high. You have of course received every help and many souls from the higher dimensions have taken part. When you consider how much support you have been given, you get an idea of how important your evolution is viewed. Yet you will find it difficult to fully comprehend your success, as it has reached much further than you can imagine.
Your loved ones look on and are aware of how well you are doing, and there will be great celebrations when your time is up and you meet again. Naturally they keep up with your progress which they follow with keen interest. So Dear Ones please bear in mind that not only are your family and friends are aware of your progress, they often try to impress you with their messages and console you when you are distressed. If not already aware you will be surprised to find your loved ones quite fit and healthy regardless of their condition when they passed over. Furthermore, they will be very aware and as alert as they were when a lot younger. There is so much to look forward to that you should have no need to concern yourselves about those who have gone before. No one is looked upon as being superior to another soul and wealth is no factor at all, as money has no place where all needs are provided by the power of thought. It may also lift some people up to know that even babies that have passed over grow up quite quickly in Spirit, and most will meet you as adults. The power of thought upon Earth is effective, but rarely acts as quickly as it does in the higher vibrations.
If your progress had not been interfered with your evolution would have advanced much more rapidly, and instead you have been denied such an opportunity. However, once you are allowed to benefit from advances that have been withheld from you and kept solely for the use of the Illuminati, you will quickly make up for lost time. As we have previously mentioned, the most spectacular changes will be when you benefit from free energy. Your scientists already know many uses for it and machines and equipment have already been designed and successfully tested. The future is waiting for you and holds many surprises, all of which will enhance your quality of life.
So as you make your way through the last antics of the dark Ones, know that in reality you do not have long to wait before wonderful changes start to take place. For you no doubt it would be a relief to be able to live in peace and prosper in a society based on love and sharing. It is coming but first the dark Ones and their power bases and weapons of destruction must be disabled and removed. Many advances have been kept secret at your expense and new technologies are hidden from your eyes. For example there are underground means of travel where speeds are reached of up to 700 miles an hour, and they already cover a large area of the globe. These advances will eventually benefit you all, and the future holds so many surprises that at present you can only dream of them.
We will ensure that when the time is right you are made aware of the new technologies, and they will be introduced to you. However, you will understand that there are those who would wish to keep them for themselves, and we have to first remove them so as to prevent interference with your progress. All these things will take time, but at least you will be aware as to what awaits you in the near future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that the time has arrived to release information as to what the future holds for you. Keep strong in your faith and know that we are with you. I leave you with our love and blessings.
Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

木曜日, 1月 15, 2015





『この記念すべきイベントが予定されている最初の国家はアメリカ です。随分昔にアメリカは邪悪なカバールが敗北の厳しさを最初に味わった場所です。天はこれについて私たちを助けるために特別な密使を丁重にも派遣してき ました。アガルタの友人たちも同様に私たちに聖なる資源を供給してくれました。これらは、アメリカで悪漢共を権力から遠ざけ、慣習法と憲法の再採用をさせ る事になりました。これはこの世界全体に広がり、あなた方に自由と繁栄をもたらそうとしているプロセスの開始に過ぎずません!私たちは友人たちと、なかん ずく天を称えます。私たちは天とこの領域を闇から素晴らしい光に変える手段を見つけ出した者全てを祝福します!』







”The first nation scheduled for this momentous event is America. It was noted long ago that America is the point where this unholy cabal is to first taste the rigors of defeat.

It was noted long ago 


闇は結局、この現実をほぼ13000年間管理して きました。』
でfor nearly 13 millenniaの解釈が違っている。




土曜日, 1月 10, 2015

ニュアンスの違うシェルダン情報   GFLサービスから

シェルダン・ナイドルニュース 2015年1月6日                                             
Sheldan Nidle Update
6 January 2015
6 Cimi, 4 Chen, 11 Ik

ドラッツォ!非 常に面白いニュースを持ってやって来ています!あなた方の現実を変えつつあるこのプロセスは闇のカバールによる更なる遅延の試みにもかかわらず前進し続け ます。この遅延の試みは、僅かに繁栄パッケージの配布の始まり宣言を中止させられだだけでした。闇は全体的に、配布の開始の防止に失敗しました。しかし、 このプロセスは配布の成功が一般に認知され得る時を先送りしつつあります。全体として私たちは今闇に支配されているこれらの政府が消滅の瀬戸際にあること に満足しています。新年の最初の月にはあなた方に繁栄と長い間予言されていた新統治体の出現が約束されます。私たちの地球連合はあらゆる障害を克服して新 金融システムを実現すると決意を固めています。このシステムは西側の種々の政権の劇的な同調をさせ、急速に新統治体を形成させます。ついにデスクロー ジャーを起こすのはこの新統治体です。私たちを世界の舞台に押し出すのはこの劇的なイベントです。この特別な瞬間が起きると多くのことが起きます。私たち の人員は自分たちの存在を明らかし、あなた方の通信チャネルを開く用意をしています。

その時には、あ なた方に対する一連の告知を開始する為の切り口を開くエネルギーが形成されます。こうして一連のイベントは必然的に、大量着陸と、私たちによるあなた方の 訓練に繋がります。次元上昇したマスターとアガルタ人はあなた方に真の歴史についての大量の事実を説明しようと計画しています。ほとんどの人達の核となる 信念である大きい宗教哲学の勃興と真の意味も範囲に含みます。あなた方には実際に起きたことについての証拠と説明が必要です。この一連の聖なる物語は、今 あなた方が持っている知識の多くがそうであるようには完全に操作されたものではないように、作り直しの必要があります。闇は自分たちの目的に最も上手く適 うことを巧妙に取り入れ、あなた方が現在深く信じ込んでいることを作り上げました。私たちの要点は真実を取り入れ、あなた方に本当に起きたことを再発見さ せることです。その時には、あなた方には偉大なるアバターがあなた方になって欲しいと思った姿が見られ始めます。これは愛、光、及び全ての人間の偉大なワ ンネスに基づいています。

私たちのあなた 方に対するミッションはこれらの大原則に基づいています。私たちはあなた方についてもっと学び、適当な聖なる時に私たちの姿を明らかにする為にここに来て います。私たちのマインドの中に最も大切な告知の遅れを起こさせた多くのことが起きました。それにもかかわらず、あなた方の社会の中には真実、自由、及び 世界の繁栄に基づいて新しい現実を具現化する個人とグループが存在します。日常の骨折り仕事からあなた方を解放する、長い間闇が隠していた技術と富を明ら かにする手段があります。私たちは更に闇が長い間国家と人々を分離するために利用していた戦争を終わらせる手段を持っています。あなた方一人一人には深く 内側を見つめ如何にこの”悪さ”があなた方に影響していたかを真に洞察して欲しいと思います。闇の利口さを誇張することは出来ません。闇は正に数千年の間 あなた方に対してその悪さを続けてきました。今はこのナンセンスを止めさせ、人間の為の新時代を構築するためにあなた方の内なる愛を用いるべき時です。

私たちの連合は、この現在の現実の作り直しのためのあなた方の役割を果たすための計画と準備をあなた方にし て欲しいと強く思っています。私たちの仕事はあなた方の大衆的な努力を見守り、あなた方が正に達成しようとしている大きい仕事がより良く理解出来るように あなた方を助けることです。このプロセスを完了させるのにはほぼ13000年の歳月を要しました。私たちはあなた方の成功の為の最後の一押しをするために 来ています。今この努力があなた方にいらつきを覚えさせている事は分かります。間もなく、あなた方は全体についてより明確に把握し、笑えるようになりま す。それにもかかわらず、大きい事が起きる時が来ています。お互いに親切であって下さい。お互いを助ける用意をし、権利の獲得と新しく築かれる豊かさとい う新しい成果に浸って下さい。このシステムは暫定的なものであることをご理解下さい。完全意識は起きたこと、これから起ころうとしていることに対する全く 異なる見方をさせます。お金、それに関係するあらゆる事は、暮らしに対する新しい哲学的な見方を広げさせ始めるための単なる源であるにすぎません。これは あなた方が完全意識の存在に変態するときに上手く役に立ちます。

祝福を!私たち は次元上昇したマスターです!驚くべき情報をもって来ました。まず第一に、私たちの関係者たちは一般への資金配布の役割を忙しく開始しつつあります。この 豊かさをあなた方に実際に届けようとしている特別なグループに資金が送られつつあります。光は、これらの努力を妨害するために闇のカバールが多くの利用可 能な技術を利用することを十分に予期していました。ですから、昨年2014年という最後のグレゴリオ暦の終わりでの私たちの最初の試みに対して事が起きた 時は全く驚きではありませんでした。従って私たちは、行っていたことを止め、修正することが出来ました。資金配布を終える為の実際の方法は成功に至りまし たが、それに必要だったことは絶対の秘密です。私たちがこう申し上げるのは、資金の配布が告知無しに行われるということをお知らせするためだけの目的で す。あなた方一人一人は個人的な信託口座を持っています。予備手続きを終えたら、厳重に保安を確保して下さい。資金配布は新統治体を迅速に設置させるため のものです。最初の告知を注意深く聞いて下さい。それから勧められていることを実行して下さい。

新統治体はこれ らの特別資金を更に確保するための数多くの戦略を指示します。最も適当だと感じられるものを採用して下さい。周囲に資金を配布し、広げることがとても大切 です。それに加えて、償還される税、年金増加分用の政府資金が回転し始めます。これらの資金を地方経済の成長を助けるために利用して下さい。一連の新しい 銀行ルールも施行されます。これらの規制はあなた方自身の資金の再投資を助けるためのものです。あなた方には家、車、その他の物資の購入をして欲しいと深 く思っていることを分かって下さい。これはあなた方の経済の製造、及びインフラストラクチャー部門の再構築のための資金として利用しようとしている人達を 支援します。これらの多くの種々の資金による推進力は地方経済を修復し、製造部門と、闇のカバールによって大規模に見捨てられた非常に必要とされている基 礎を回復させます。

私たちは、これ から間もなく起ころうとしている、或いは今既に進行中のことに対してあなた方にあらかじめ備えが出来るように説明をしているのです。私たちは多くの関係者 たちが達成しようとしていることに熱狂しています。このプロセスは関係者たちが当初起きると信じていた事よりも遙かに困難でした。私たちは又天がアガルタ 人と宇宙の友人たちに実行を許した最新指令を非常に喜んでいます。これから先の時にはそれ故に、カバールは権力の座から追放され、この悪のグループのリー ダーたち全ては大量に逮捕されます。この新しい現実は急速に具現化されます。それぞれの動きについては、あなた方が十分に状況を把握し、その基本的な意味 を理解する時間が与えられます。全てが行われると、あなた方には私たちのレッスンを受け、宇宙ファミリーの最終的な到来を待つ準備が整います。今は実に最 高の時なのです。ハレルヤ!ハレルヤ!

今日は、あなた 方にこれから起きることについて説明をしました。この情報を受け止め、辛抱していて下さい。気がついているように、最善の時が近づいています。これらの本 当に驚くべき変化に対する備えをしていて下さい。これらの最終段階に少し時間がかかるからといって失望しないようにして下さい。人間にとっての新しい時代 がついに到来する準備が出来たのです!親愛なる皆さん、天からの無限の供給と繁栄が実にあなた方のものであることを知ってください!そうあれ!セラマト・ ガジュン!セラマト・ジャ!(シリウスの言葉、一つのものであれ!喜びの中にあれ!)

木曜日, 1月 08, 2015

シェルダン・ナイドル1/6,2014 別ルート












この新しいリアリティーは急速な展開で前進していきます。その展開の部分部分は皆さんが起きている事態の基本的な意味を充分に理解できるペースで進行していきます。すべてのイベントが完了した時に皆さんは、私たちのレッスンを学んで宇宙ファミリーの最終的な到着に備える態勢に入ることになります。これまでで最高の時を私たちは、今迎えているのです。 ハレルヤ!ハレルヤ!


火曜日, 1月 06, 2015

US Debt Soars By $100 Billion On Last Day Of 2014, Hits Record $18.14 Trillion

US Debt Soars By $100 Billion On Last Day Of 2014, Hits Record $18.14 Trillion

Tyler Durden's picture

It seems like it was only yesterday when we reported that, in yet another sleight of hand for the US Treasury and Social Security Administration, US debt rose by $32 billion on the last day of November sending total US debt above $18 trillion for the first time ever.  As we further noted, it also meant "that total US debt has increased by 70% under Obama, from $10.625 trillion on January 21, 2009 to $18.005 trillion most recently."
Fast forward to today when we are happy to report that according to the US Treasury, America's debt-funded spending spree, while supposedly slowing down if looking at the declining monthly budget deficit report, never actually has.

As of the last day of 2014, total US debt soared by $98 billion in one day (driven again by Social Security debt surging on the last day of the month to a record $5.117 trillion), and closing off 2014 with a new all time high total of $18.141 trillion in Federal debt - an increase of $136 billion in the month of December and $790 billion for all of 2014.

Source: US Treasury

Visit stage3alpha at: http://s3alpha.net/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

日曜日, 1月 04, 2015


Jim Willie: It's GAME OVER...The Dollar Is DYING!
C Serpa
I disagree that the US is driving down the oil price. I also disagree that the Russian economy is in tatters. 
You can't believe Reuters or Bloomberg. The ruble goes down, and the oil price goes down. This is the news: There is no change in the oil price in ruble terms.
My contact in Russia, who has a son in Moscow, asked him how the import prices are affected. They have sudden moves up to 10%, but they go down in a couple of weeks.  That means the Russians are cleverly managing their reserves with 160 down to $130 Billion in Treasury Bonds to manage the foreign imports that they pay for with dollars. 
The Russians have no change in their oil revenues in ruble terms, while they use dollars to assure their imports, and manage the import prices so that they are just little speed bumps. 
Russia is NOT in tatters. Putin is sitting right next to a KILL SWITCH.
The kill switch would be to require, if he chose, all Russian exports of energy and metals to be paid in either rubles or yuan. Or he could do something that he's already indicated: All major FOREX currencies that are being used to pay for Russian exports are immediately converted to gold. 
The Russian economy is neither in tatters nor is it on the verge of falling. Instead, they are converting all kinds of foreign revenue into gold.
And what does the US Press say? That they're spending their hard-earned gold to manage the ruble crisis, when it's the EXACT OPPOSITE, according to this article. 
Russia in not weak. They've got over 25,000 tons of gold and NO EXTERNAL DEBT. 
What does the US have? No gold, not much industry and $18 Trillion worth of government debt. Which country is weak? Which economy is in tatters, the Russian, or the US?
Don't believe for a minute "official gold data". Russian and China each have OVER 20,000 TONS of gold!
Don't believe that the US have 8,500 tons- they have ZERO tons!
They are robbing the GLD fund, which is what MORONS invest in, thinking they own gold. And JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are robbing it blind to give gold to meet the COMEX obligations. They are running out of gold and the game is coming to an end in 2015
I have not said the system is going to break in Mid-February. I have said that the Chinese New Year is in mid-February. I said to look for a lot of aggravated pressures and more evidence of the system breaking by February going into March. 
It could come with a big rise with the gold price or it could be a European phenomenon where they announce they no longer want to engage in exclusive dollar trade, which will not just be gold-backed, it will be silver-backed. The rise in the silver price will be DOUBLE or MORE the rise in the gold price. 
Acceleration of Death of the Dollar
The faster the world can get away from the dollar, the more likely it is that we get some sort of global improvement. If we stick with the dollar we're going to get global recession and depression, followed by the NWO global, fascist state. 
Interviewer: And World War III.
Willie: No, we're not going to get WWIII. 
Interviewer: I say that not as an alarmist, but as a transition from one currency regime to another, which is usually accompanied by some big conflagration. 
Willie: I just don't buy the argument.  In 10 months of the Ukraine war, we haven't had any escalation. There's only one thing I'm worried about, and that's a nuclear accident like Chernobyl. There is a worry about that in Ukraine. 
I give Putin credit. He is our hope to get rid of the dollar, along with the President of China, without a conflagration of World War. I don't think we are going to get any nuclear exchanges. 
Putin has done another clever thing. He said he's not going to supply gas to any country that has hidden CIA torture center prisons. He's courted Turkey, converting the Southstream Gas Pipeline to the Turkstream. Turkey is on the verge of abandoning NATO. 
Sub Prime Shale Bond Failure
The falling oil price is doing far more damage to the US economy than it is to Russia. We are eliminating the entire shale industry. It's going to be totally dark in a month or two. That is the marginal employer and producer in the economy. 
When the shale industry dies completely down in a month or two, you will have a sub-prime sale bond failure. It's going to catch fire across the US bond industry. It's all going to force Russia, China and 140 plus BRICS alliance nations... 
You have all these reports about the dollar being strong and crude oil falling in price. Crude oil is not falling in price. The dollar is dying.
In nominal terms, the crude oil price is going down, yes.  Don't focus on the numbers in the price, but the dynamics that are pushing it down. You've got lower demand  and a universal broken petrodollar system.  The stock market is going up – it's crazy! It's not reflecting value or profitability. All these things are going up in value because they are being fed on the paper mache side- the paper funnels coming from the Fed and all the other central banks, except the Bundesbank. 
This confluence of rivers is going to force the Russian and Chinese hands to "hurry up" and come up with their alternative and I think they're first move is going to be a follow-on for all the different Chinese swap facilities. The first RMB facility was with Brazil in 2006, now they've got RMB facilities with London, Germany and Australia in their bilateral trade.
They are not dealing with dollars AT ALL. You have about 23 different nations, some of them minor, but many MAJOR, that have RMB (renminbi) swap facilities. 
We are now in the preliminary stage of avoiding the dollar now. They are going to work toward Letters of Credit that are gold trade notes. The US has blocked all attempts to return to the gold standard. The other countries are going to come up with a 'trade solution' to the gold standard. Then all these nations that participate with the new system are going to realize that they don't need their Treasury bonds anymore as they are only causing problems. 
This is the Russian–Chinese plan. They are going to get a back door to re-install gold as the standard in trade. When that happens the dollar will totally be discarded and no one will want it. 
Then the US will not be able to import items and pay with Treasuries.
The US has set itself up for failure by getting rid of its industry by outsourcing. Now, the other nations that have the industry that are supplying the US economy are participating in the BRICS alliance and they are lined up with this gold trade note system. 
Russia and China have set up a new SWIFT banking system, a new gold trade system with letters of credit and they've got their own debt-rating services that are going to declare the US government TOXIC junk bonds.   They've also got their own credit cards. They don't need VISA and Mastercard – they have Union PayThere are more customers using Union Pay than Mastercard in the world. 
The US is going to qualify as a third world nation and we are going to see Russia as the leader in Europe. I can't say enough about the positive strategy of Russia. They are working toward gold standard platforms. 
Interviewer: "We've had some significant things happen in 2014. I was saying that they can't stop QE, and it appears from the overt standpoint, that they haveInterest rates have stayed down. Is that the trend we're going to see going into next year?
QE Did not End, It Just Changed Offices
Willie: I think so, and what we have is these twin towers, the dollar and the Treasury Bonds - they're toxic. People think the dollar is strong now. But that's wrong. The dollar is toxic because we're printing somewhere like a minimum of $30 Billion a month to maybe as much as $300 Billion a month. We're covering the US government debt, which is TOXIC. This is what third world nations do. 
We've got these twin towers of toxic money and bonds. And they're leaking, so the whole world is damaged. 
They TALKED about ending QE, and then the next thing you know, the Bank of Japan announced unlimited QE. That's your indication that QE did NOT END. It just changed offices. We've stolen the 1.2 Trillion dollar Japanese pension fund.
East Asian Currency War
The Japanese are doing something clever, which I didn't expect. They're dropping their prices, so they don't have such a big impact on their neighbor competitors. They are reducing their revenue stream. But they can't avoid the currency war because the Japanese Yen is not done going down. 
Economic Growth-We're in a Full-Blown Multi-Year Recession
I don't believe for a minute this Q3 growth story, they make me laugh! So you've got all these retail chains, companies like Cisco announcing lay-offs, Sears and WalMart in trouble, all these companies are going down, yet the economy is rising. What I think is there's an acceleration downward in the GDP for about 4 consecutive years. I am talking about a 20% reduction in the US economy. That's what a depression does. We fixed nothing. 
It's a full-blown multi-year recession.  
Clash in Statistics
We've got a 4-fold rise in the money supply and a 4-times more balance sheet at the Fed. They are the holder of last resort for these toxic Treasury Bonds, so they're wrecked! That's why they sold the controlling interest to China. 
Here's the clash: The money supply is UP 4-fold, but the money velocity is DOWN 50% since 2007. You NEVER see that in growth times. NEVER. In fact, it if drops 10 or 20%, it's called "on the edge of a depression." So what if it's down 50%? It's a full-blown multi-year recession.
Here's the consequence to the currency world: If you've got this 4-fold increase in the money supply in the Central Banks holdings of the toxic US government debt, the propaganda comes out that there's not enough gold to cover all this money. We can't go on a gold standard. Which I say is a bunch of BS.
Because you increase the gold price 4 or 5-fold to 5 or $6,000 oz. to compensate for the 4-fold increase
in the dollar money supply.  That's the kind of thinking Wall Street doesn't want to hear
pThey will never stop the zero percent interest rate because it feeds the system for the long term Treasury Bond demand. This is GAME OVER!p
Interviewer: Do you see the death of the dollar in 2015?
Willie: I see several rivers converging and they're all for wreckage. The dollar rising is a systemic breakdown. You have entire nations that are hunkering down into the dollar, because their own currencies are in trouble, as they cannot print money. The nation that prints the money is seeing the benefit - only in their currency.The dollar is rising, because the whole system is breaking.
This is when the US is going to be in a tremendous quandary: When they must come up with gold to back a gold-based currency, or they fall into the third world. I think they are going to come up with an artificially gold-backed currency and they are going to be forced into an internationally approved audit.
And they are going to fail the audit. 
There's deep storage gold that shows up on government ledgers all the time in their accounting. It's loaded with Evergreen contracts from Barrick, ownership rights on Nevada and Colorado and Alaskan properties  -  it's unmined gold, and that does not qualify to back a gold-backed currency. 
I've been asking my sources, will the Eastern ancient families that have been around for thousands of years, China is awakening - and these families are taking control. I asked them, will these families supply 10,000 tons of gold to the US so they could have a legitimate currency? 
Because they don't want the US economy to go to hell in a handbasket. They want it to be part of the global economy. They want exports to the US. It's a big part of their economic equation. And the answer is no, under the current system and regime and the people operating the US. 
So I asked another question:
Will the robbers, who pilfered Fort Knox, namely Clinton, Bush and Rubin – will they be forced to reproduce and repatriate the US gold? And I have not gotten an answer. I think they used it for other purposes that I don't want to get into, like a lot of weird things like underground cities. 
I believe most of the US gold went into the gold market and financed a lot of secret projects for Langely. Langely is a city in Virginia with the headquarters of the Central Intelligence agency is located. They have stolen US gold, which is only $500 billion worth of gold. They also have narcotics money that helps fund their projects: They get more than $500 billion every single year from Afghanistan heroine. 
This is the year that the whole globe comes to the realization that they must move quickly away from the dollar
People need to get out of the dollar system before they lose their money: your CDs are not safe, your stock account, or money with corporate bonds.
European Central Bank QE 
Interviewer: There's a lot of talk that the ECB is going to institute QE at their next meeting, and that the Swiss are going to institute negative interest rate policy on the very day. Is that something you have thought of? 
Willie: The Swiss are in a unique bind. Since 2011, they have been maintaining a 120 peg.  The money was seeking the Swiss hills and it jettisoned it upward. So the Swiss National Bank has been printing money and that is about to break. They may announce they are going to print a bunch of money, as it's overloaded with Euros.  
The Swiss are printing money and never stopped. I think they are the big focal point right now, depending on if Prince Draghi remains at the post. The conflict is between the Bundesbank and the Euro ECB. The Germans have told Draghi they are going to leave the Euro if they print money. 
Germans on the Verge of Leaving the Euro
Germany doesn't like the NSA spying, the Russian sanctions, the absence of return of their repatriated gold, or the European Central Bank printing money.
If they print money, it will weaken the Euro and bring about capital destruction. You lose your profit margin, and the Germans don't want to see that. They do not want Draghi to print money.
Germany is at war between the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank. If they go ahead with QE, then the Germans are going to abandon the Euro. 
80% of the mainstream press in the US about the global financial system are lies, yet  80% of the news on the internet is true. I am using it far more lately, like the Russian  RT News, the BRICS Post, Xinhua out of China, India Economic Times, even Al Jazeera is more competent than Reuters and Bloomberg, which puts out trash!
This is what fascists do: They wreck economies, do bond fraud, steal central bank gold and wage war. World War II didn't defeat the fascists. The US invited them, called "Operation Paper Clip". They took over the banks, Goldman Sachs and the Treasury Department of the US government.
They conducted 9/11, they stole $100 Billion in gold bullion from the World Trade Center, $100 Billion in diamonds. Wake up, people, it was a bank robbery! The largest bank center in the world was the World Trade Center. It's not a tourist center!

Visit stage3alpha at: http://s3alpha.net/?xg_source=msg_mes_network


メルマ!ガオブザイヤー 2014結果発表! http://rd.melma.com/to?id=35534 

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英会話ならECC外語学院  まずはカウンセリング&無料体験レッスンへ!
…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─↑ メルマ!PR ↑─…

平成27年(2015) 1月4日(日曜日)
   通巻第4430号 <臨時増刊号>





 14年10月31日付けのニューヨークタイムズに寄稿したクルーグマンは「日本に謝ります」と題をつけた(APOLOGIZING JAPAN)。











 ◆書評 ◇しょひょう ▼ブックレビュー ◎BOOKREVIEW◆ 








 泉ピン子ではない。国際政治学用語である。PINKOとは、『左翼的意見をもった人』、『政治的にピンクな人』『穏健な共産主義者』などと定義されている。平間氏の注釈によれば、最初にPINKOが登場したのは1926年の『TIME』で、爾来、左翼陣営を批判するときに軽蔑を籠めてPINKO PRESSとか、表現するという(評者(宮?)がよくワシントンへ通って多くのシンクタンクの研究員や議会関係者と討論した時代、あのレーガンの時代ですら共和党関係者から一度のこの「PINKO」という比喩的な表現を聞いたことがなかった、変わりに左翼を揶揄するときは『LIBERAL―PINKY―FOOL』だったが)


樋泉克夫のコラム 樋泉克夫のコラム 樋泉克夫のコラム

【知道中国 1180回】   
 「贅肬録」「没鼻筆語」(東方学術協会『文久二年上海日記』全国書房 昭和21年) 

 読者の声 どくしゃのこえ READERS‘ OPINIONS 読者之声





(宮?正弘のコメンと)どうでしょうか? ロシア中央銀行はソ連崩壊後、旧来の制度を止めて、西側の指導で作られたので、制度的にはEU並み、つまり独自の為替操作は難しいと思います。いまのプーチン政治にとって、ロシア中銀はお荷物に化しています。


  □□ □□ △◇ □□ ◎▽
 宮崎正弘の新刊予告  宮崎正弘の新刊予告   
宮崎正弘『中国大破綻 ついに失われる20年に突入する』(PHP研究所。1404円)
(上記アマゾンで予約受付開始!) 1月21日発売決定

宮崎正弘『中国崩壊で日本はこうなる』(大竹慎一氏との対談 1512円。徳間書店)
 (この本は下記で予約を受付開始) 1月27日発売決定
宮崎正弘の新刊案内  http://miyazaki.xii.jp/saisinkan/index.html
宮崎正弘の新刊 大好評発売中!
(アマゾン ↑ 送料無料)
松下村塾で孟子を論じた松陰が最後に熱烈に講義したのは兵学者としての『孫子評註』だった。この意味を現代的に検証しつつ、日本史の神髄を考える、著者畢生の松陰論。書き下ろし!(↓ アマゾン 在庫僅少)

     (↑ アマゾン 在庫僅少。送料無料)

宮崎正弘 vs 石平の対話シリーズ第六弾 
 『2015年 中国の真実―― 中国は習近平に潰される』

宮崎正弘の最新刊 大好評発売中!
 『台湾烈々  世界一の親日国家がヤバイ』(ビジネス社)
  定価1188円 (アマゾンは下記)


宮崎正弘 vs 室谷克実
宮崎正弘 vs 川口マーン惠美
 大ベストセラー『住んでみたドイツ 8勝2敗で日本の勝ち』の川口女史と

宮崎正弘『中国 大嘘つき国家の犯罪』(文芸社文庫、713円)
宮崎正弘 vs 石平の対話シリーズ
『2013年後期の中国を予測する』(石平氏との対談第4弾 ワック)
『2013年の中国を予測する』(石平氏との対談第3弾 ワック)
『増長し無限に乱れる欲望大国、中国のいま』(石平氏との第2弾 ワック)
『絶望の大国 中国の真実』(石平氏との対談シリーズ第1弾。ワック)
    ◎◎◎ ◎◎◇ ◇◎◎
宮崎正弘のホームページ http://miyazaki.xii.jp/
(C)有限会社宮崎正弘事務所 2015 ◎転送自由。転載の場合、出典を明示

メルマ!ガオブザイヤー 2014結果発表!
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